Voices Made Visual

Voice Over Artistry

About Me

So what’s the difference between: “voice over”, and “voice over artistry”?

Voice over artistry creates an experience for the listener, which is enhanced by engaging the listeners imagination and emotions. It is so much more than reading copy in a pleasant voice. 

Kathleen McKay is the creative director and principle voice talent at Voices Made Visual. Her 25 years of theatre, sketch and improvisational comedy, in addition to her musical training, bring multiple levels to her work, which is alive, dynamic, spontaneous, and fun. She truly makes her voices visual.

Voice Artistry


This brief recording displays Kathleen's vocal dexterity for character development and world dialects. Have fun listening to all the animals of the earth gathering for a meeting before entering Noah’s Ark.


These are samples of Kathleen’s commercial voice over work, displaying her range of vocal ability as well as her humor, and innate comic timing, making each piece distinct and memorable; exactly what you want when marketing, advertising, and selling a product.

Contact Me

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Kathleen McKay Voice Over Artistry – Your Choice For Voice

Do you have more questions? Are you interested in collaborating on a project? Send me a message, and I will get back to you as soon as I can.


(520) 390-4013

Shout Outs

Allusion Studios

Voices Made Visual works through Allusion Studios in Tucson, Arizona. This is a state of the art recording studio with FTP capabilities and a phone patch so if a producer/director wants to be involved during the recording of the project, they can. Allusion Studio's Jim Pavett has engineered Grammy nominated albums. Whatever project comes out of Jim's studio, is quality sound, and quality work. Voices Made Visual is fortunate to have this studio and this engineer for the production of our work. To learn more about Jim Pavett and Allusion Studios please visit www.allusionstudios.com.

Zullo Design

zullo design

Peter Zullo is a talented, creative artist and designer who is responsible for our very cool logo and assisted us with putting together the content for the design of this Website. If you would like to know more about Zullo Design, please visit www.zullodesign.net.